Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mixing a love with a hate to make it not so horrible

I am a total movie nut. I love movies! But I'm trying to get fit and lose some weight. My friends and I have found some workouts for our favorite shows and movies on Pinterest. But you have to spend so much time trying to find them. So I'm starting this blog to act as a collection of movie and show workouts so you don't have to search for an hour on the internet to find what you're looking for. Please feel free to ask for certain shows or movies or submit your own workouts that you've created! My tip is to watch the movie and start making a list of common behaviors and happenings from the show or movie and make a tally count for each while you watch. Then assign hard moves to ones that don't happen as often such as planks, push ups, and bur-pees. And assign easy ones such as lungs, arm curls, and jumping jacks for often occurring items. The point is to try to have the viewer spend less time resting than moving but not making it too hard that the viewer falls behind. They still want to enjoy the show remember!  So I'm going to start by adding some workouts off other blogs to get us started! Happy viewing!

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